Leather Purse - The Simple Way
A few weeks ago I attended the 'Creative Stitches and Hobbycrafts' show at Westpoint in Exeter, to gain inspiration and buy myself a few little treats. Before I went, I researched the exhibitors that were going to be there, and the main one that stood out to me was 'Simple Way - The Leather Kit People'. They sell 'do it yourself' kits for shoes, bags and accessories with everything provided in order to make the product. I picked up the 'Tardis Purse Kit' whilst at the show, because i have always wanted a leather purse but never found one that I really liked. However I liked the style and design of this one, and the added bonus was that I could make it myself.
The kit itself is really well put together with the leather prepared, with holes punched, so it was just a case of doing a running stitch through the holes to join each element of the purse together.
In fact, I liked the idea of this and how easy it was to do, I have now ordered myself a bag from the website, which I am very much looking forward to making (this is a christmas present though, so I will have to wait patiently!).

Thanks for reading.

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